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Coats Marsh Regional Park is now officially open on Gabriola Island.

C lyde Coats’ former family property is officially open to the public as Coats Marsh Regional Park. The park is located at the Aiden Road entrance to the park located off of Coats Road. The new Regional Park is a 45.7 hectare parcel of wetlands and forest and is protected in a partnership between The Nature Trust of British Columbia, the Regional District of Nanaimo, and the BC Trust for Public Lands.

Coats Marsh Regional Park features a wetland and stands of rare coastal Douglas fir. Two creeks run through the property and eventually connect to Hoggan Lake. The land also kitty corners the 707 Acre Community Park, owned and managed by the Regional District of Nanaimo.

“By protecting this unique property we have taken a tremendous step in establishing a large protected area on Gabriola Island that contains rare plant species and provides habitat for numerous wildlife,” said Doug Walker, Chief Executive Officer of The Nature Trust of B.C. “At the same time, this acquisition will provide the people of the Regional District of Nanaimo, in particular Gabriola Islanders, with the opportunity to gain a greater appreciation of this ecological gem in their community.”

Great time to go outdoors and enjoy a new park!

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Tags: Coats Marsh Regional Park, Gabriola Island, The Nature Trust of B.C

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