Save Lantzville Forest : residents rally support

Concerned residents have set up a website called Save Lantzville Forest to let the public know that there are plans to log upper Lantzville.

Here is the information you need to know:

  • Where is it?
  • Why is this of concern?
  • What can you do?

This forest located in Upper Lantzville is located within the Coastal Douglas Fir ecosystem, one of the most endangered ecosystems in British Columbia. The forest contains a fish-bearing stream (Knarston Creek), wetlands and vernal pools. Plus, a number of threatened species live in the forest. Also, residents use the area as it is easily accessible and has a well established trail system.

The area of concern is Woodlot 1475. It is a 244 hectare parcel of public land located in Upper Lantville (see map). It is an “urban forest” given that it is located in a residential area with more than 100,000 people living within 20 km.

Lantzville woodlot
Lantzville Woodlot 1475 to be logged

Why has this public forest been designated as a woodlot? How much will the Ministry of Forests benefit?

It appears to the Save Lantzville Forest group  that the Ministry of Forests has only viewed this area through the lens of “fibre production” – as simply another forest to be logged and hasn’t considered managing this forest for non-timber values such as recreation and biodiversity, despite the fact that it’s one of the few remaining parcels of publicly owned land on this stretch of Vancouver Island.

According to their website ( annual revenue to the government would total approximately $1,000 for license fees and stumpage.

The overall concern is that over time there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to walk through an intact mature Coastal Douglas Fir forest. Instead, trails will pass mainly through clearcuts and fir plantations, an experience for which there is no shortage of opportunities on Vancouver Island!

Endangered Coastal Doulas Fir
Endangered Coastal Doulas Fir

An independent biologist report has been completed on WL 1475.  The comprehensive report includes important information such as:

Riparian Forest
Wetland habitat
“at-risk” owl species
“at-risk” frogs

Residents hope to convince the Ministry that this land should be saved from logging considering that so many citizens enjoy this land and wish to protect the forest for future generations to enjoy.  They are trying to convince the Minister of Forests that the majority of citizens in this riding don’t want to see this forest treated as a woodlot.

Considering the recent focus by BC government agencies on stewardship of the Coastal Douglas Fir Zone, this site should be considered a high priority for protection and/or special management.

To learn more about the Woodlot 1475 and offer your support, go to the Save Lantzville Forest website.

View from Copley Ridge Forest
View from Copley Ridge Forest above Lantzville *all photography credits to Save Lantzville Forest