This year has been very eventful. Local elections saw many new people elected to councils and school boards in Nanaimo and other mid island communities. The good news of 2014: part of Linley Valley West was set aside as a park after many years of hard work by local residents.
Here are the top 10 posts for 2014.
- Nanaimo tax increases & budget
- Nanaimo waterfront deal: Hilton Hotel vs Georgia Park
- Colliery Dams – studies on dam failure
- Does water to Lantzville mean amalgamation with Nanaimo?
- School Closures in School District 69
- Diver Lake riparian bylaws broken but fines waived
- Yellow Flag Iris: Silent killer choking Buttertubs Marsh
- Nanaimo Recycling Exchange faces closure
- SD68 budget: 44 full-time jobs to be cut
- BC Ferries increases fares: a slow death for coastal communities
Looks like 2015 will be another eventful year. Will the…
- bridge to Gabriola get approved and funded?
- garbage incinerator be built at Duke Point?
- Morden Mine get dug up again for coal?
- Nanaimo have two new hotels downtown both over 25 storeys?
- two-hour-free street parking in downtown Nanaimo be a memory from the past?
Everyone will have to wait and see what happens.