Here are some of the top Nanaimo news stories for the summer of 2013:
- City of Nanaimo’s John/Jane Doe Order against residents
- Closure of schools in Cedar
- Approval for Linley Valley Drive behind Oliver Woods
- Possible new mid island highway at Horne Lake
- Multiple land swaps by School District 68
- Appointment of new City of Nanaimo Manager (job not posted)
- Nanaimo to supply water to Lanztville
- Colliery Dam project delayed
- Duke Point possible site for garbage incinerator
- Chinese Hotel/Condo for 70,000 guests a year approved for downtown Nanaimo
- Installation of $110,000 public toilet in Diana Krall Plaza
- 6025 Uplands Walk Housing Project tenders received
- Departure Bay residents lose out to developers
This fall Nanaimo City Council will be busy with more hot topics such as the garbage incinerator, and other projects. Your taxes keep going up every year so it is good to know why.